Sunday, 7 December 2008
Rich's Independent School
J-D (May 3rd - May 9th)
Peter (small visit if time allows in Feb with J-D)
Arequipa city
all info from emails
Prayer email.. from Founders.
Hi y'all!
This year is ending too quickly! Time seems to really be going fast these days with so much to do! It is the end of the school year. God has blessed us this year. Of course there have been some complaints, seems there are always some problems when God does bless. But truly these days, there is a good attitude, with thankfulness and God working in lives. Last Sunday night a mother of a kindergartner in the school came to church. She and her family are not churchgoers. But she was truly moved by Bob's message on how much the Lord has done for us, and all it cost Him. She had tears in her eyes as she left, realizing her need of God in her and her family's lives. She thanked us for the school and the influence it is having here. So that was a blessing for us. Pray for Isabel and her family. 5 yr. old Victor is "graduating" into first grade. Thanks so very much for your prayers for the lives touched by the school. Please help us pray this will be the beginning of many more. Please help us pray for the school year closing program, later this month, that God be glorified in each presentation and that parents and families be drawn closer to Him.
Along this line, we are SO thankful for a team of two families and a couple single guys here now working on building 3 classrooms on the roof of the next door building for the school. These dear folks from North Carolina are such a blessing, in their sacrificial service to us, to the church here, and to the school. Lots more will be needed, and we do pray to be able to demolish the third building and at least get a base built there for an auditorium during the vacation. This is the big project. We are so thankful to you who have helped us. Thanks, and keep praying, please, for this need. May it all be for the Lord's glory and kingdom.
Thanks for praying for the radio, too. Alvaro has been having some health problems again. Please do pray for the Lord's keeping him and family. They do broadcast 16 hours daily, a lot of God's Word, including Bob's Bible studies, other good Christian programs and good music.
This year has been a year of weddings! Of course, some funerals too. These have been opportunities to share the Gospel with unbelieving family members, plus encourage and disciple new believers. Please help us pray for our families and homes. Satan does attack these areas.
Thanks for praying for the orphans I have been mentioning in the letters. Abram and Maria still are not adopted, nor do we know of anyone who could do this. But please keep praying. It may work out that they can go back into a Christian children's home. They do need godly guidance in their lives, and desire to be there. We just want God's best for them. So, thanks for praying.
Even though Jesus probably was not born in December, we are so very thankful He came! And we pray each of you will have a very blessed, joyful Christmas season!
Many blessings for each of you, Noél for us
Other Prayer Points
As they get ready for the end of school
In May I will be helping out for one week. may be in a art class. my hope is that i can encorage others to use the gifts in art.
I will be talking to the Rich's and finding out lots more about the work ministry the is to be still done in Arequipa.
The Kids come from many diffrent back rounds, and i know that i will get a better overview of where i can be placed.
Also the Riches know lots of other missionaries that work with children. My prayer is that God may even lead me through these contacts .
girls home
this home is now under new ownership. Feb 2010
J-D (when in city, was not able to visit as did not have time.)
Arequipa city
All info from
Other stuff from prayer email and newlatters.
From the Founders
Our organization was recently founded to be able to insure the long-term success of ongoing projects that its president, Rick Daviscourt, founded in the country of Peru, South America, several years back. These include the Torre Fuerte Family Home for Girls located in the city of Arequipa, two schools currently under construction in Pachacutec and Horacio Zevallos, soup kitchens for the very poor, and several churches on an interdenominational basis.
For us at Restoring Hope International we believe that, in many ways, our lives boil down to responsibility. This responsibility must obviously be lived out towards our own immediate families and our counties of origin. However, we believe that it does not stop there. It simply cannot. With the great increase in technologies in every facet of our lives to include that of electronics and means of transportation, our world has grown smaller. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the needs of our neighbors outside of our borders and expect that someone else to supply what they lack. The sad reality is that most people simply will not help. We believe that with the great privilege of living in affluent countries also comes the great responsibility of helping those who cannot help themselves - those who have little or no voice in their societies.
Our organization was recently founded to be able to insure the long-term success of ongoing projects that its president, Rick Daviscourt, founded in the country of Peru, South America, several years back. These include the Torre Fuerte Family Home for Girls located in the city of Arequipa, two schools currently under construction in Pachacutec and Horacio Zevallos, soup kitchens for the very poor, and several churches on an interdenominational basis.
For us at Restoring Hope International we believe that, in many ways, our lives boil down to responsibility. This responsibility must obviously be lived out towards our own immediate families and our counties of origin. However, we believe that it does not stop there. It simply cannot. With the great increase in technologies in every facet of our lives to include that of electronics and means of transportation, our world has grown smaller. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the needs of our neighbors outside of our borders and expect that someone else to supply what they lack. The sad reality is that most people simply will not help. We believe that with the great privilege of living in affluent countries also comes the great responsibility of helping those who cannot help themselves - those who have little or no voice in their societies.
Our organization was recently founded to be able to insure the long-term success of ongoing projects that its president, Rick Daviscourt, founded in the country of Peru, South America, several years back. These include the Torre Fuerte Family Home for Girls located in the city of Arequipa, two schools currently under construction in Pachacutec and Horacio Zevallos, soup kitchens for the very poor, and several churches on an interdenominational basis.
For us at Restoring Hope International we believe that, in many ways, our lives boil down to responsibility. This responsibility must obviously be lived out towards our own immediate families and our counties of origin. However, we believe that it does not stop there. It simply cannot. With the great increase in technologies in every facet of our lives to include that of electronics and means of transportation, our world has grown smaller. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the needs of our neighbors outside of our borders and expect that someone else to supply what they lack. The sad reality is that most people simply will not help. We believe that with the great privilege of living in affluent countries also comes the great responsibility of helping those who cannot help themselves - those who have little or no voice in their societies.
Rick Daviscourt
Christmas Greetings to You and Your Family:
Thanksgiving Weekend has just ended and we, at Restoring Hope International, have so much to be thankful for. First of all, we are thankful to God for His faithful provision on behalf of the many different lives that we are working hard to impact in our different projects in Peru. Secondly, we are thankful to you for caring enough to have partnered with us in terms of your prayers, personal encouragement, and finances. These all have made it possible to see our projects grow through this past year.
Most Sincerely, Kevin and Kathy Daviscourt and Rick and Mary Daviscourt
Prayer Points
The end of year schooling for all the girls.
To be able to provide ongoing care for our family of 45 girls.
the ongoing projects that they have aswell was the home.
thanks for the building of new school and church.
To have the funding to provide for their grade school, high school, and college expenses.
To finish their study hall and implement it with 20 new computers and desks so that they can more effectively get their school and college assignments done.
Begin construction on a new 2-story housing facility that will give our Torre Fuerte kids more living space as we continue to grow our family.
To be able to continue to provide for the meal facilities in Pachacutec and Horacio Zevallos.
To continue on with the construction of the Christian grade school in Pachacutec.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
New Hope Children's Home
J-D (Jan -May 2nd)
Peter (Jan 22nd - Feb 30th)
Arequipa City
info taken from
Prayer points from prayer letter or newsletter
From The Founders
On September 1, 1995 in the village of Pachacutec in Arequipa Peru , we, David and Debbie Bolos, founded New Hope Children's Home. After seeing time and again the homeless and abandoned, God broke our hearts and led us to open up a permanent home for these children. The children of New Hope live with us on a full-time basis where we provide for them spiritually, emotionally, and physically. As these children grow and mature, they remain with us through their college years or until they become established. In what follows, we will share with you some of the experiences that led us to start this ministry and the visions and goals that guide the work of New Hope.Many of the children that come to New Hope have been abandoned and abused; they are the kind of children that no one wants or cares about, the street children of Arequipa , Peru . They are children like Michael, an 8 year old boy found sleeping on the back of a city bus, or Julie, a 7 year old girl found abandoned and wandering the streets of downtown Arequipa; Licia, who at 6 years old was found abandoned and walking the streets of downtown Arequipa, or Maria, who along with her 2 younger brothers, was found abandoned and forced to beg and eat from dumpsters in the back of open markets. I could go on and on, giving you testimony after testimony of the more than 70 children we have taken into New Hope Children's Home over the years. I could spend hours telling you about the more than 700 children we have been forced to turn away due to lack of space and finances at our Home. While the need is considerable, this should not deter the goals and visions we have for our kids.Our goal is simple – it is to teach the children that they are loved by us and by God. By providing a safe shelter for them we hope to prepare them to become leaders in their communities. We further teach them that they have God-given talents and abilities that must be developed. Our desire is to raise a generation of godly leaders since these children are the future of their country. Additionally, we teach them the importance of forgiveness and true love – that they must forgive those who have abandoned and abused them and learn to love through the example of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you so much for your interest in New Hope . We now have 40 children in our home, but have plans to expand our facilities in the near future to include room for at least 100 children and young people. My prayer is that our God would burden you as He has burdened us in the ministry of the poor, the oppressed, and the less fortunate (James 2:14-17).
In Christ, David and Debbie Bolos
Prayer points
More will be coming up soon..
* But just as the kids finnish up school year and get ready for summer.
* Also for the 4 new volunteers that will be ther and some have arived already to help out at the home.
*That when we arive all will be ok to slip in to the way of things and help out.
* Prepering for the summer acivites which we will be apart off.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
thinking about the kids
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27, NIV)
this is what jesus says to the chrildren and the ones who need help.
"Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry." (Exodus 22:22-23, NIV)
"This is then my prayer, and your prayer also that we remember the ones that need love and help. The words by Third Day is my prayer also!"
Cry Out To JesusWords by Mac Powell / Music by Third Day
"lord your love reaches out to all! send me to be a instrument in bringing love to these kids..."
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18 (NIV)
Monday, 24 November 2008
J-D's mission interview
J-D’s trip to Peru-Colombia. Interview. Sunday evening 23ed
Jd. You are going on a mission trip where is it too? When and how long for?
I am going to Peru and Colombia to work in 4 children’s homes and also in 1 school for a week. Most of my program is on the blog that I have set up. I will be flying out of Belfast on the 21st. For 5 and half months. But also flying out that same date is Peter Lockhart. Who will be a volunteer with me in the first home for 5 and half weeks. He is talking a gap year and spending some time there too. I’m really glad that I am not flying out on my own.
How is your fundraising going?
We are half way there I think. But we have also a fundraiser organised, a quiz on Saturday the 13th of DEC everyone’s invited. And to keep in touch with how the trip is getting on you can visit the blog set up for both of us. Also please take a prayer card and stick in on your fridge and remember us in you prayers.
Why is it that you are going out there to work in children’s homes and why so many?
Yes it does sound quite odd. But there is a story that brings me up to this point.
I believe that we all have a purpose on this earth! And God has plans for us all! I was adopted into a missionary family in Peru where I lived for about 14years. I became a Christian very young and always thanked the Lord that he had adopted me also into his Christian family.
I wondered at the other kids that did not get the opportunity to know a family and a God that loves them. Before I left Peru I always had a desire to go back one day to see about setting up a children’s home. Or do something like this in the ministry for children in need.
This was always working in my heart but I never knew when I would get an opportunity to really look in to doing something about this. But last year I had a small breakdown which made me jump out of UNI on my third year. I believe this was necessary to give me time to think where I was being directed. Then I had the opportunity to go to CVII with the church team. There I saw the reality of what a Christian home for lots of kids looked like. And I was impressed. The impact of God’s love for the kids, for the mountain mission and for the workers and team was really there. God was there in that work and was blessing it.
Coming back, I so wanted to be part of this amazing ministry. Then I remembered I had been thinking this way for the last nine years! So therefore I believe that it is my time to act. I decided to go back to Peru, to Arequipa where I was adopted from to look in to this type of ministry! To see the need, and how I could be part of this in the future. I will also look at other children’s homes to learn and see all there is to start or work along side a home. I am looking for my placement within Gods calling.
What will you do then you come back?
I will join any course that is required and maybe set up a charity and go with the placement of Gods Calling.
Now, If we are open to Gods calling, will He show us the way?
When I come back I will let you know more of Gods direction in my life. I am only an instrument in his plan, invited to work with Him on this. I feel privileged that He is using me- a crazy person like me.
Is there anything else you want to share with us, before we pray for you and this trip?
Yes! I want to encourage you that we all can be part of God’s plan. Let me use an analogy that helps me a lot and helps me focus in this direction. This is a sort of story that takes place in the future. I would like your participation.. so close your eyes as you listen........
Imagine for a moment that you are now sitting in heaven, and you are going to hear two people having a conversation:
“Do you remember the time that you were on earth?”
“No not really, it seems a long way off, and the time on that world now seems a very short one.”
“I remember something that Jesus said to us in the Bible. ‘You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
“If only we had another chance, to impact others for God! So they too could be here in heaven with us!”
My encouragement is that while we are here we impact everyone we meet with God’s love, so that many more will be able to be with us in heaven. Let’s be heaven-focussed!
Prayer points for Jd:
· The program of trip works out without any problems
· That funding for trip works out
· That he is prepared for the trip
· That he may be strong in my walk with God as he seeks to find his will in his life in Youth work in Peru with children in children’s homes.
· Through any difficulties that arise that with God we can learn and grow in our faith and closeness to Him.
· That the trip for Peter Lockhart (with J-D for the 1st 6 weeks) works out really well for him too!
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Friday, 14 November 2008
What Peter is doing
I will be taking on the role of intern at the New Hope Children’s home in Arequipa for around 5 weeks. This will largely involve spending time with the young people in the home, generally looking after them and taking care of their needs, taking them on day trips etc.
As a Christian I feel that we are called to serve vulnerable groups in society in a practical way and this is why I am so excited at the prospect of the opportunity to spend time helping at a home for orphaned children.
This Bible verse means a lot to me:
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”
(James chapter 1 verse 27).
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Place of Visits & Web-Sites
NEW HOPE CHILDREN’S HOME J-D (Jan 22ed -May 2nd)
Peter (Jan 22ed -Feb 30st)
Arequipa City
Arequipa City
CASA HOGAR LUZ ALBA (May 10th-May 30th)
Arequipa City
EMANUEL CHILDREN’S HOME (May 31st -Jun 30th)
Puno city
Bogota city
Monday, 3 November 2008
What J-D is doing!
Thanks for taking time to read this and an interest for my gap year.
I have been for many years looking into the whole orphanage work and have been doing lots of research about other homes and their work. I have just returned from the Christian orphanage in Colombia, Christian Vision International
I am writing to you about the involvement I may have for the years to come.. the plans and hope there is in God. I hope that by reading stuff on this blog you will also pray for me as I follow God and his plan.
When my parents were missionaries in Peru they adopted me from Arequipa 24 years ago. I now wish to do something for the Lord and get out there to Peru again.
I always longed to go back to Peru and really find something that I can do worthwhile out there for the Lord. I have for a long time also had the idea of going back and setting up something in Peru that is for orphans and street kids like I myself once was. So for a long while I have had the idea or vision to set up a children's home in Arequipa.
The plan is to take a few months till December doing a course in Belfast Bible College, also doing an ONC mentoring youth program in the volunteering sector with ‘MACS’. I then hope and plan to do internships in some Christian 'children's homes' in Arequipa and visit others. The Christian homes I wish to visit are ‘Torre Fuerte’ girl’s home, internship in ‘New hope Children’s home’ and some non-Christian institutions all in Arequipa. In this way I wish to learn lots about the set up and how life works out in a home and for street kids how things are done. And also to see if this is something really for me and where I might fit in.
I will also look out of Arequipa city to other really well established Christian homes, one in Puno (boys' home). The other in Colombia, with ‘Colombian children’s vision home’ which I will visit after five months trip in Peru. I have been there before this summer with my church team.
The flights have been booked and most of program aranged, flying from UK on 22nd of Jan coming back 1st of Aug.
My goal is to go back and slowly get things set up. My future is to be in Peru with a set up including a children's home and a business that will fully support the work.
I mention most of my vision so that you can get a better overview of what I would like to be involved with and to be able to pray with me for the things that God has put on my heart. I'm invited to be part of this but you also are invited to be in God's plan for loving others and reaching out to others.