Saturday, 6 December 2008

New Hope Children's Home

New Hope Chidren's Home
J-D (Jan -May 2nd)
Peter (Jan 22nd - Feb 30th)
Arequipa City
info taken from
Prayer points from prayer letter or newsletter

From The Founders
On September 1, 1995 in the village of Pachacutec in Arequipa Peru , we, David and Debbie Bolos, founded New Hope Children's Home. After seeing time and again the homeless and abandoned, God broke our hearts and led us to open up a permanent home for these children. The children of New Hope live with us on a full-time basis where we provide for them spiritually, emotionally, and physically. As these children grow and mature, they remain with us through their college years or until they become established. In what follows, we will share with you some of the experiences that led us to start this ministry and the visions and goals that guide the work of New Hope.Many of the children that come to New Hope have been abandoned and abused; they are the kind of children that no one wants or cares about, the street children of Arequipa , Peru . They are children like Michael, an 8 year old boy found sleeping on the back of a city bus, or Julie, a 7 year old girl found abandoned and wandering the streets of downtown Arequipa; Licia, who at 6 years old was found abandoned and walking the streets of downtown Arequipa, or Maria, who along with her 2 younger brothers, was found abandoned and forced to beg and eat from dumpsters in the back of open markets. I could go on and on, giving you testimony after testimony of the more than 70 children we have taken into New Hope Children's Home over the years. I could spend hours telling you about the more than 700 children we have been forced to turn away due to lack of space and finances at our Home. While the need is considerable, this should not deter the goals and visions we have for our kids.Our goal is simple – it is to teach the children that they are loved by us and by God. By providing a safe shelter for them we hope to prepare them to become leaders in their communities. We further teach them that they have God-given talents and abilities that must be developed. Our desire is to raise a generation of godly leaders since these children are the future of their country. Additionally, we teach them the importance of forgiveness and true love – that they must forgive those who have abandoned and abused them and learn to love through the example of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you so much for your interest in New Hope . We now have 40 children in our home, but have plans to expand our facilities in the near future to include room for at least 100 children and young people. My prayer is that our God would burden you as He has burdened us in the ministry of the poor, the oppressed, and the less fortunate (James 2:14-17).

In Christ, David and Debbie Bolos

Prayer points
More will be coming up soon..

* But just as the kids finnish up school year and get ready for summer.

* Also for the 4 new volunteers that will be ther and some have arived already to help out at the home.

*That when we arive all will be ok to slip in to the way of things and help out.

* Prepering for the summer acivites which we will be apart off.

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