Friday, 14 November 2008

What Peter is doing

Hello this is Peter. I will be going to Peru where I will be working in a children’s home in the city of Arequipa. I am going with JD who was once an orphan in Arequipa and is now investigating the possibility of taking up a permanent ministry there. I’m on a gap year and want to spend my time effectively and feel this experience would be time very well spent.

I will be taking on the role of intern at the New Hope Children’s home in Arequipa for around 5 weeks. This will largely involve spending time with the young people in the home, generally looking after them and taking care of their needs, taking them on day trips etc.

As a Christian I feel that we are called to serve vulnerable groups in society in a practical way and this is why I am so excited at the prospect of the opportunity to spend time helping at a home for orphaned children.

This Bible verse means a lot to me:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”
(James chapter 1 verse 27).

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