Video is coming soon, please check this page again! (I'm am doing the official video for all the homes that took part in the competition)
Saturday sports day went well. The young boys from my house won the 6 aside football match. The girls did very well at volleyball also, I was put as their coach. The older boys found it an uphill battle at football, I was even drafted on in disguise! The sports day was with many invited children’s homes in Arequipa city.. not all came but still about 9 came out of over 35 homes here.
Video is coming soon - please check this page again! (I am doing the official video for all the homes that took part)
I was able to be at the meeting with all the directors organising this and it’s encouraging to see that they really want to pull together to publicize the need for the children at risk in Arequipa. It is also an event for the kids - in some homes not much can be done for them as activities.
This weekend coming 27,28,29th I’m going to take the older youth (11 of them) to the Baptist camp centre in Ite that belongs to the Irish Baptist mission here in South Peru. They have never been to a camp apart from the small children’s homes camp. So they are all very much excited and asking what all will happen. I hope it will be a great blessing for them; to hear God's word and to meet many new friends from other churches from other towns and cities. (If anyone wants to partner in sponsoring a youth to go to these camps it would be £25 that will cover the travel and stay that equals to 95 soles here.)
This weekend the younger kids, age 4 to15 will go to a holiday bible club here at a Baptist church in the city where Paul and Ruth Turner go to. A team from England will be taking this club so I’m so thankful for this blessing and how things are fitting together.
Today, Sunday, I took the 4 year old boy from my house on his first parade with his school. He did so very well - he carried his Peru flag and had his Peru flag lapel. Also next weekend is Peru day on the 28th! So there’s going to be more flags about and the whole country will just have a big party. : )
Till later, thanks for your prayers and support.
Till later, thanks for your prayers and support.
Also pray about the visit I will make to the prison where one of our boy's mum is. I will take her boy to meet her. Please pray for this visit and that I may have the words to be an encouragement.
I will put up video here of the kids making bread and of the sports day! so check this page again.
esta chvre.....