With Ruben, the new tutor who has taken my place.. (as I'm now in the office), we went to the indoor swimming pool that was really great fun!!
Thanks for your prayers.. and the dontations that people have sent out.. keep sending some.. these kids realy say a big thank you to all of you!
Here are some more photos:-
The Fuente.. games and uniting the kids from each house..

The Fuente.. games and uniting the kids from each house..
SATURDAY.. A trip to out-door Go-karting
We even got Hermana Gladys to try the go-karting. She is the lady tutor of the group I'm with.
The boys love the fish tank as much as I do.. Benildo and Efrain did not go on the two trips, so that night i took them for an ice-cream... However they told me to buy new shoes because the ones I have really do let the air in, so we went to town.. and then we went for cake. Then I said that they could buy fish of their choice.. so we did.. and brought them back.. I will show pictures of the new fish another day.
Well it's late now.. night night..tomorrow is Sunday..
God bless you all.. each and every one..!
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