Tuesday, 3 March 2009


<<(peter helping a photography class... all listening to Seth talking about pictures) "Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" Oscar Wilde
"A cup of what?!" Six Figure Bill
Unfortunately this is probably my last blog so i'll try to make it fully comprehensive. As i mentioned as i was sick with food poisoning but have now fully recovered although the medicine cost an absolute bomb.
Had to go to hospital and everything - it was difficult trying to exlpain my symptoms in Spanish so i had to resort to trying to act them out with the occasional Spanish word. The doctor would then repeat the actions to confirm he had understood. We went back and forth with this system for a while then i was allowed to lie down as we weren't getting anywhere. Anyway, after some tests they found i had a stomach infection and they treated me for this so when i left i felt a bit better. If there was a suggestion box at the hospital i would have written "Bigger containers for collecting samples please." This would make the whole process more pleasant and less messy.JD's successfully turning the home into a zoo capable of rivalling the zoo in Arequipa (any house with more than two pets can rival Arequipa zoo in impressiveness). He's done this by introducing animals into the home at the current rate of one new species a day. He bought a turtle (the Undertaker) for a boy the other day which is awesome.

<<<(boys fishing for fish in a pond. They brought their pet turtle with them) The boys are very enthusiastic singers. they'll repeat English songs depite not knowing any of the words which is great - they did the best version of the Anfield rap i've ever heard. I started traveling back - the first bit went well.

(peter saying his good byes to the boys)

A Korean family was sitting around me on the plane. I was starving so i ask
ed the woman if i could have another snack because i'd finished mine and she asked all her family to give me thier snack packs. They didn't mind and she spoke no English so i didn't bother protesting - that made the flight better. She also kept laughing throughout the entire flight at whatever she was watching. I was able to talk to the old man of the
Korean family about Roy Keane's World Cup walk out in the Korea Japan World Cup 2002. He always nodded in agreement but he had no idea what i was talking about but i continued regardless. For my travel back home i'd be travelling by myself and i'd been warned a lot about travelling in taxis especially in Lima. Apparently people get kidnapped and it's also bad for people getting mugged. I hope i don't have to use self defense on anyone - for their sake. If anyone was going to mug me i'd feel obliged to warn them of my ability in the martial arts once. After that, if the assailant persisted i'd have to look at my watch and proclaim it was hurting time. I've heard a couple of stories since i've been here of people being kidnapped in taxis. I've often considered what i'd do in this situation. If i
suspected i was going to get kidnapped i'd wait until he slowed down a bit, open the door and start moving my legs in a really fast running motion then i'd lower myself from the vehicle using my arms onto the road. The transition would be seamless. It's been reassuring to know that in this eventuality i have a foolproof plan in place. My flight from Lima to new York was cancelled. I didn't realise for ages either - i assumed everything would be fine as it had been up til then. i was told the next flight was on Thursday - unbelievable. I asked if ther was any other way of doing it and the man was like "No - definitely not." i asked again about 30 seconds later and there was a flight to Atalanta so i said i'd take that and apart from being absoultely knackered because of the wait that worked out fine. I'm still waiting for the last leg of travel to get underway so at this point i'll bid you farewell. One more thing before the time on the internet runs out and this is very important - never forget th

J-D writes >>> (Thanks Peter for being here on this trip!! Arequipa waves you goodbye.. here are some pictures that will let you know that you brought joy and a positive impact to the kids lives.. thanks for being part of this.. )

"hundred years from now, it will not matter what your bank acount was, the sort of house you lived in or the car you drove. but the world may be a different place because you were important in the life of a child."

thanks for being there for them....

1 comment:

  1. hey man! just to say again, thanks for being here in peru.. the kids miss you. im sitting here at the home.. i am now incharge of 8 kids..
    benildo efriing abel jorge and edgar all in room 2.. room 1 is fredy and roberto and moises. we have our own aparment its dead on..
