Hey, i have been drinking lots of Inca Kola, i still have to have a good empanada, but next door to this place sells a good range.. i could be tempted!
To day is our day off but we did lots at the home before we got downtown.. today Peter and I went with a boy called Jesus, to visit his granny. we took a small bus. An hour later we got to the edge of Arequipa. she lived in a very small place and had lots of chickens running around. it was so good to be on this trip to see Jesus meet up with his relatives that he does not meet much. and to understand little more of the backround some come from.. i dont know the full story of him beeing in the home. but i'm sure like all the others there is a sad story..
I will get to see the files on all the kids some day i asked to see them so that i can understand and may be see in any way i can be more of help to them.

I forgot to say last week we took the boys swiming.. it was good fun peter brought a american football with him so we used that. lots of splashing about and sun burn... :)
the camping is going to be changed to the 20th- 21st.. so pray for that..
To day is our day off but we did lots at the home before we got downtown.. today Peter and I went with a boy called Jesus, to visit his granny. we took a small bus. An hour later we got to the edge of Arequipa. she lived in a very small place and had lots of chickens running around. it was so good to be on this trip to see Jesus meet up with his relatives that he does not meet much. and to understand little more of the backround some come from.. i dont know the full story of him beeing in the home. but i'm sure like all the others there is a sad story..
I will get to see the files on all the kids some day i asked to see them so that i can understand and may be see in any way i can be more of help to them.
I forgot to say last week we took the boys swiming.. it was good fun peter brought a american football with him so we used that. lots of splashing about and sun burn... :)
the camping is going to be changed to the 20th- 21st.. so pray for that..
this is the list of all the boys that we look after..
we like them all and have good fun with all!!
Jesus ..not happy all the time and in moods a bit..
Roberto..easy going and does what you tell him..
Benildo...he has left to visit relatives and wont be back this week..
fernando.. he is an older boy in uni so he helps us out with the kids a bit..
Jorge .. it has been thought that he will move from the boys teen room to the kids room.. pray that this goes well and that it works out best for him.. he will be with his younger brother there also.
Fredy.. this dude is class but very hyper all the time and we having hard time to get him to obey
Agusto.. hes a disabled dude he had a older brother Ruben.. and we help him as much as we can.. he cant talk just sounds.. i have been teaching him to wash his hands and make his bed.
Henry.. hes quiet, but really good at football.
Ruben.. hes an older boy, brother of Agusto.
Avelino.. older dude.. so not much of a hand full
Moises,.. hes a hand full .. today Peter and I carried both moises and fredy to the area where they had to do the house duties...
Today im tired even though i went to bed early.. we played a game in the footie pitch called hand ball.. where you use footie nets, but all you do is to score in the other teams net. you use your hands and run.. no real rules.. there is a dude from the U.S.. here for 2 weeks and every time he had the ball, every one of the other team just hung on to him untill he was on the floor.. it was a fun game i could not stop laughing, more because i never played well but ended up in the middle of the rumble each time..
Just back from Sagafalla bella a super store where they have a cinema also.. checked out the films and noted down the prices.. so maybe we can take the chicas and chicos (girls and boys)there one day..
oh also will be org a trip to the zoo soon.. the other girls from the U.S interns are more involved in planing this..
Sunday- Peter me and russel went to the Alianza church in town.. it is more like Strandtown,, has two services..
My notes of it..
Nehemiah 3
--today its your turn.. God calls you!
--where would you be on Gods list?
(Nehemiah 3, lists: Those that didnt work, did work, and worked enthusiastically!)
--God wants to call on your life, what are you doing with it?
--together we can change the world for God!
our program:
sun off every other week,
mon day off
tues off 2-9pm
weds not off
thurs not off
fri 2-9pm off
sat not off.
God bless and thanks for your prayers..
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