Saturday, 3 January 2009

Result of Quiz night

Many many thanks to all who came and to those who have given donations and have said that they will pray for this trip.
This is an opportunity for both of us to serve God in needy places where we can grow as Christians and be moulded for His work in the future also. A trip always changes something in you - you never come back the same. You just can never be satisfied with your own efforts in life and wish for that dependency and growth you had when on a mission trip like this. You know you can think that we are taking a lot out to these places, but really we will be blessed as much as them.

We all have opportunities to do small things that change things even if we don't know it. Going to be with children and young people in Peru and Colombia, I know that we all will be blessed by God. We will see His love in action, His strength and joy and more. We are part of God's plan, and being on that path is the best adventure that anyone can have. The up and downs, the faith, the prayer that gets answered, the blessing as the love that is experienced is the most fulfilling and everlasting thing. Because we know that it is part of the everlasting impact that will effect us and others. Let God guide you and see where you end up..

Jer 29:11 (NIV)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a

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