J-D (May 3rd - May 9th)
Peter (small visit if time allows in Feb with J-D)
Arequipa city
all info from emails
Prayer email.. from Founders.
Hi y'all!
This year is ending too quickly! Time seems to really be going fast these days with so much to do! It is the end of the school year. God has blessed us this year. Of course there have been some complaints, seems there are always some problems when God does bless. But truly these days, there is a good attitude, with thankfulness and God working in lives. Last Sunday night a mother of a kindergartner in the school came to church. She and her family are not churchgoers. But she was truly moved by Bob's message on how much the Lord has done for us, and all it cost Him. She had tears in her eyes as she left, realizing her need of God in her and her family's lives. She thanked us for the school and the influence it is having here. So that was a blessing for us. Pray for Isabel and her family. 5 yr. old Victor is "graduating" into first grade. Thanks so very much for your prayers for the lives touched by the school. Please help us pray this will be the beginning of many more. Please help us pray for the school year closing program, later this month, that God be glorified in each presentation and that parents and families be drawn closer to Him.

Along this line, we are SO thankful for a team of two families and a couple single guys here now working on building 3 classrooms on the roof of the next door building for the school. These dear folks from North Carolina are such a blessing, in their sacrificial service to us, to the church here, and to the school. Lots more will be needed, and we do pray to be able to demolish the third building and at least get a base built there for an auditorium during the vacation. This is the big project. We are so thankful to you who have helped us. Thanks, and keep praying, please, for this need. May it all be for the Lord's glory and kingdom.
Thanks for praying for the radio, too. Alvaro has been having some health problems again. Please do pray for the Lord's keeping him and family. They do broadcast 16 hours daily, a lot of God's Word, including Bob's Bible studies, other good Christian programs and good music.
This year has been a year of weddings! Of course, some funerals too. These have been opportunities to share the Gospel with unbelieving family members, plus encourage and disciple new believers. Please help us pray for our families and homes. Satan does attack these areas.
Thanks for praying for the orphans I have been mentioning in the letters. Abram and Maria still are not adopted, nor do we know of anyone who could do this. But please keep praying. It may work out that they can go back into a Christian children's home. They do need godly guidance in their lives, and desire to be there. We just want God's best for them. So, thanks for praying.
Even though Jesus probably was not born in December, we are so very thankful He came! And we pray each of you will have a very blessed, joyful Christmas season!
Many blessings for each of you, Noél for us

As they get ready for the end of school
In May I will be helping out for one week. may be in a art class. my hope is that i can encorage others to use the gifts in art.
I will be talking to the Rich's and finding out lots more about the work ministry the is to be still done in Arequipa.

Also the Riches know lots of other missionaries that work with children. My prayer is that God may even lead me through these contacts .