(J-D small visit)
Arequipa city
Arequipa city
all info from web links.
last visit summer 07
last visit summer 07
Shalom center is in arequipa connected with the International School of Arequipa..
it is a small school that caters for the disabled kids.
it is a small school that caters for the disabled kids.
I was there with latinlink team summer 2007. as part of a step team. i got to know many fo the workers and mission partners that work there. and hope to speck to them again about youth missinstry.
I also know Isobel flemming that works ther with the school which was a missionary along side my parents in Peru with Irish Baptist missions.
I have added some pictures of the time i was there helping to build the sensery garden beside the center. and added a clip of Paul Turner that has run 100 laps to raise money for the running cost of the place..
Latin Link is an international community serving local churches throughout Latin America. It's passion is to live, teach and promote biblical Christianity, to help meet identified needs, and develop short and long term mission initiatives to, from, and within the region. Charity Registration No 1020826
On the 6 December I run 100 laps (40km) of the running track at Shalom to raise money for the
centre's running costs. Shalom provides schooling and therapy for over 15 children and young people from poor areas in the city of Arequipa, Peru. I have been priveleged to work there as a teacher since March 2007. Thank you for your encouragement and support, as always it is much appreciated by all of us at Shalom.If you would like to do your own sponsored run to increase what we can raise, please get in touch, that would be great!Paul Turner on behalf of all the friends of ShalomArequipa, July 2008 http://www.justgiving.com/100lapsforshalom

*step team summer 2007 with Latin link.. helping to build sensory garden and shalom center.
"my first team trip. Life changing"
"Put God in the mix and your adventure gives a everlasting impact"
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